Existential Ecumenism in the Light of Cosmology in the Encyclical Laudato si'

Jan Dominik Bogataj

Existential Ecumenism in the Light of Cosmology in the Encyclical Laudato si'

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62983/rn2865.16.d

Key words: existential ecumenism, ecology, religion, orthodox theology, cosmology, Laudato si', Ecumenical patriarchate

Encyclical Laudato si' represents one of the greatest successes among the actualisations of the idea of the so-called existential ecumenism which puts emphasis on the dialogue between Christian Churches with the purpose of active transferring of the doctrine about concrete, existential problems of every human person, mankind and environment. Crucial contribution was made by the Ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew who is continuing the tradition of Ecumenical patriarchate on the field of ecology, environmentalism and theology for the conservation of creation. The Orthodox thought – which is strongly rooted in the cosmological-liturgical view on the human existence, on ascetic tradition with its call for responsible ethical behaviour, on valuing of the role of man as a priest of creation and on the theological concept of ecological sin – has contributed an integrative part to the encyclical.


Existential Ecumenism in the Light of Cosmology in the Encyclical Laudato si'