The journal consists of regular papers and papers in occasional thematic sections. Papers are categorized as follows: original scientific article, review article, short scientific article. All articles published are indexed and peer-reviewed. The journal does not normally include book reviews, critiques or other kinds of contributions.

Contributions are subject to the general ethical standards of scientific publishing. The submitted manuscript must not have already been published or be in the process of publication at another journal. All authors and co-authors of contributions are obliged to provide information on potential conflicts of interest, including personal, financial and other relationships with people and organizations that could affect their work.

Articles may be submitted in Slovene or in English. The title, abstract and keywords should be written in both languages. Manuscripts must be proofread to ensure their accuracy and language quality. Authors must be proficient in the grammar, style and terminology of the language in which they submit their article.

Structure of articles

Articles submitted for publication in Res novae must consist of the following elements:

  • Full names of all authors of the article, names of their affiliated institutions and contacts of the corresponding author with a clear indication of the corresponding author. Corresponding author will be informed about the review process and will be responsible for the final arrangements after the paper is approved for publication.

  • Title of the article in Slovene and in English which should be clear and brief.

  • Abstract in Slovene and in English (max. 150 words) that briefly presents the fundamental aims and conclusions of the article.

  • Keywords in Slovenian and in English (5 to 7) which should be listed under the abstract.

  • Introductory chapter which defines the subject and presents a sufficient basis for the understanding of the research question of the article.

  • Results of the research which should be made clear and understandable.

  • Discussion, where authors place results of the article in the theoretical framework and highlight the key contribution to the existing theory or previous research.

  • Conclusion, where authors briefly summarize their findings.

  • Complete list of references that were used within the text of the article. This list should be placed at the end of the article as a separate section. References must be listed in alphabetical and chronological order.

Language and form of the articles

Articles may be written in Slovene or in English. Title, abstract and keywords have to be written in both languages. Authors have to be proficient in grammar, style and terminology of the language in which they submit their article. The length of the original scientific articles is between 30 and 50 thousand characters (including spaces); the length of review scientific articles is between 20 and 40 thousand characters (including spaces). Articles are written in “Times New Roman” font. The size of the article’s main title should be 16 (bold), the size of individual titles 12 (bold), the size of subtitles 12 (cursive), the size of the main text 12 (normal), the size of footnotes 10 (normal); spacing between the lines should be 1.5.

Graphs and Tables

Graphs and tables have to be titled individually; the title should be provided immediately below the graph or the table. Notes with brief explanation of the relevant content of the table or the graph should be provided in the same line with the title. For example: Table 1: Title. Description.

Explanatory footnotes

Explanatory footnotes should be used only when necessary. Arabic numerals should be used when numbering the footnotes. Explanatory footnotes should not be used for routine citations of references.

Routine references (in the text)

Routine references should be incorporated in the text itself within the brackets, using the author (surname), year, page convention. For example: (McGrath 2013, 57). When entering pages in routine references a dash between page numbers should be used. For example: 12–14 (no space between a dash and a number).

Different pages and/or authors within the same brackets are divided by a semicolon. For example: (McGrath 2013, 57; Scruton 2015, 40; 45; 71–73). In case of two or three authors within the same reference, the word “and” is used. For example: (Scruton and Milbank 2010, 56–57). In case of multiple (more than three) authors within the same reference, the first author should be referred to with the abbreviation “et al.”. For example: (Milbank et al. 2007, 41). The use of abbreviations, such as cf., is not allowed.

In case of routine references, referring to the entire previous sentence or more sentences or an entire paragraph, the brackets are written outside the last sentence, i.e. after the full stop (final punctuation mark).

List of references

All references, used in the text of the article, should be listed separately at the end of the article in the special section titled References and arranged in alphabetical and chronological order, according to the author’s surname. Having multiple occurrences of the same year of the same author, the corresponding letter (a, b, c, etc.) should be added to the publication year. For example: 1992a, 1992b, etc.

Here the most common types of references, included in the list of references, are presented:

  • Book (monograph): surname, name. year of publication. full book title. place of publication: publisher. For example: Bennett, Jonathan. 1988. Events and their Names. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    In case of two authors: surname, name; surname, name. For example: Kreeft, Peter; Tacelli, Ronald K. 1995. Handbook of Christian Apologetics: Hundreds of Questions to Crucial Questions. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic.

    In case of three or more authors: surname, name; surname, name; surname, name; surname, name. For example: Marcus, Charlotte; Waterman, Jerome; Gomez, Thomas; DeLor, Elisabeth. 1990. Investigations into the Phenomenon of Limited-Field Criticism. Boston: Broadview Press.

  • Journal article: surname, name. year of publication. full article title. name of journal volume number, no. current number: first–last pages. For example: Lewis, David. 1990. Elusive Knowledge. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74, no. 4: 549–567.

  • Book chapter: surname, name. year of publication. chapter title. In: full book title, first–last pages. Ed(s). name and surname of editor(s). place of publication: publisher. For Example: Juhant, Janez. 2010. On Living with: Dialogue as the Way to the Art of Personal and Common Life. In: Art of Life, 49–59. Eds. Janez Juhant and Bojan Žalec. Münster: LIT Verlag.

  • Web-page article: surname, name (or name of organization). year of publication. full title of the article. title of the webpage, day and month (by word) of publication. full webpage address (accessed day. month (by number). year of accession). For example: Kwasniewski, Peter. 2015. The Normativity of Ad Orientem Worship According to the Ordinary Form’s Rubrics. New Liturgical Movement, 23rd November. Http:// (accessed 27. 1. 2016).

  • Legislative document: acronym dash name of individual or collective author (for example: court, council, commission etc.). year of publication. document title. For example: DV – Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. 1964. Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum.

  • Archive document: acronym dash name of archive, collection/found title, document title (or other information, if necessary). For example: PANG 782 – Pokrajinski arhiv Nova Gorica, Okrožni komite KPJ za Vzhodno Primorsko, 1945–1947.

Article submission

Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc) format to the e-mail address of the editor-in-chief: