Nature Evaluation and Environmental Function of Property

Jurij Dobravec

Nature Evaluation and Environmental Function of Property


Key words: nature preservation, property, ownership, environmental functions, nature evaluation

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the manner by which property is acquired and enjoyed is established by law in order to ensure its economic, social, and environmental function. In this article environmental function is intertwined with the evaluation of nature. Three approaches towards nature evaluation are presented in this article: non-instrumental, ecosystemical, and legal. Owners confront them in cases of public, common, and private ownership management. Despite being neglected by economic evaluation models, and not necessarily connected with proprietary systems, their influence exists and has its influence on the society. High share of the Slovenian national territory, mainly privately-owned land, stands under environmental protection. In this context, private owners obviously tolerate measures on a basis of noneconomic evaluation of natural goods.


Nature Evaluation and Environmental Function of Property