Economic Intelligence in the Slovenian Environment

Laris Gaiser

Economic Intelligence in the Slovenian Environment


Key words: economic intelligence, economic development, security, UVTP, secret services

In a post-Cold War environment, countries live in a state of permanent confrontation. Political alliances are more and more fragile, and while countries have to compete every day on the global market in order to survive, only those with a structured system can prevail. Economic intelligence is the most advanced political and economic theory of state management, which also offers the framework for private-public cooperation. In defining economic intelligence and analysing some examples of structured foreign systems, this article aims to show that world countries in a globalized context can be competitive and safe only by adopting an economic intelligence strategy. Within such a scenario Slovenia, despite contemplating the defence of national economic interests through the Law on Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency, has no comprehensive strategy to defend or promote its economic interests by a structured economic intelligence system. Policy makers could take into consideration the French example of good practice choosing the national security authority as the body delegated to shape an appropriate strategy.


Economic Intelligence in the Slovenian Environment