Peace and Justice: Two Unnegotiable Goals of Monotheism (Jan Assmann)

Robert Petkovšek

Peace and Justice: Two Unnegotiable Goals of Monotheism (Jan Assmann)


Key words: Jan Assmann, monotheism, violence, deuteronomic theology, axis age, truth, peace, justice.

According to Jan Assmann, the contemporary world is built on the foundations of Moses, i.e. biblical monotheism which defined the frameworks of our civilization. Nowadays, it seems that the Mosaic era is coming to its conclusion and begins its transition to a new, digital era. In his studies, Assmann tries to define the uniqueness of the biblical monotheism which succeeded to differentiate itself from the Echnaton’s or Greek philosophical monotheism. He is convinced that various violent elements, characteristic for biblical narrations, are merely consequences of historical circumstances within which this monotheism emerged. Namely, biblical monotheism in and by itself proves its inherent orientation towards peace and justice. The biblical canon, which was gradually formed by the deuteronomic theology, is the source and criterion for the biblical monotheism, while its fundamental strength is the Mosaic distinction between the true God and the idols. The true God does not manifest himself in doctrine or words, but in deeds which bring peace and justice. This is, according to Assmann, the essence of religion seeking the true God.


Peace and Justice: Two Unnegotiable Goals of Monotheism (Jan Assmann)