Localization, Transcreation, and Marketing

Sonia Vaupot

Localization, Transcreation, and Marketing

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62983/rn2865.23a.4

Key words: translation, marketing, adaptation, localization, transcreation

The transfer of communication from one country to another requires a particular approach to translation. It also requires interdisciplinary skills based on language, culture, communication, technology and increasingly marketing, especially for the translation of multilingual websites or advertising texts. This is called localization and transcreation; and both fields face economic challenges. Using specific translation strategies, localization aims to adapt a product to different markets from a commercial point of view. Transcreation is a creative translation that relates to the field of advertising and marketing. It makes it possible to preserve the original meaning of the message while adapting it to the target culture. Qualitative research allows us to describe new translation trends and strategies, focusing on the relationship between translation and marketing, including the adaptation of websites and advertising slogans. To this end, we have examined localization and transcreation services offered by some Slovenian and foreign translation agencies that provide online services.


Localization, Transcreation, and Marketing