The Role of Prof. Lambert Ehrlich at the Founding of the Society for the Propagation of Faith on Slovenian Soil

Mari Jože Osredkar

The Role of Prof. Lambert Ehrlich at the Founding of the Society for the Propagation of Faith on Slovenian Soil


Key words: Lambert Ehrlich, missions, Society for the Propagation of Faith, the Bishop of Ljubljana Anton Bonaventura Jeglič.

The article presents the role of prof. Lambert Ehrlich at the founding of the Society for the Propagation of Faith (SPF) on Slovenian soil. Already in 1918, three years before coming to Ljubljana, Lambert Ehrlich and his brother Martin proposed to the Bishop of Ljubljana, Anton Bonaventura Jeglič, to establish the SPF on Slovenian soil; this one was elevated to an apostolic institution with headquarters in Rome in 1922, one hundred years after it was founded in France. During the missionary course organized by Professor Lambert Ehrlich in Ljubljana, on January 7, 1924, the Bishop Jeglič ceremoniously founded the Slovenian branch of the SPF. We read about this event in the Diocesan Gazette of the Diocese of Ljubljana and in the Katoliški misijoni magazine. The members of the Society pledged to pray for the missions every day and donate money for the missionaries every day. In order for the society to be able to carry out its mission, Ehrlich also founded the magazine Katoliški misijoni, as well as The Office for the Missions, and, on the initiative of the Holy See, proposed to the Bishop Jeglič that the mission feast be celebrated on the last Sunday in October.


The Role of Prof. Lambert Ehrlich at the Founding of the Society for the Propagation of Faith on Slovenian Soil