The Christian Trilateral Situation Ethics – An Attempt to Delineate a New Christian Ethics

Bernard Goršak

The Christian Trilateral Situation Ethics – An Attempt to Delineate a New Christian Ethics


Key words: moral theology, Christian trilateral situation ethics, moral relativism, antinomianism, Thomas Aquinas

The article builds on the author’s previous research into characteristics of a new Christian ethics, the Christian Trilateral Situation Ethics (CTSE). Hitherto, these papers have dealt with the CTSE secondarily and only in relation to the various topics associated with it, such as J. Fletcher’s situation ethics and sobornost. This article is focused solely on the CTSE and its main attributes, which may constitute the CTSE as a new type of ethics within Christian ethics. In that respect, the article proposes answers to the questions whether such ethics deviates from the valid Catholic magisterial teaching and whether it entails elements of antinomianism. Furthermore, it also aims to demonstrate the application of some of the CTSE’s principles in hypothetical situations. The main objective of the article is thus to bring the CTSE closer to its final validation as a new system of ethics whilst keeping in mind the many questions that still need to be answered before the final characterization of the CTSE is given.


The Christian Trilateral Situation Ethics – An Attempt to Delineate a New Christian Ethics