Family Law

SubjectFamily Law
Semester3/4 semester
Study programme:Law studies (Master)
Primary language:Slovene


Content :


Required readings:

Recommended readings:

Objectives and competences:

Students will acquire general competencies:

Students will develop subject-specific competencies:

Intended learning outcomes:

Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures, seminars, tutorials, individual work with students, case studies.


The condition for taking the written exam is a positively assessed written assignment.

Lecturer's references:
Dr. Petja Mihelič. Študijska pot je potekala preko Filozofske fakultete in Evropske pravne fakultete v Ljubljani ter študijem na Japonskem na Fakulteti za pravo in književnost (Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University).

Delovne izkušnje so iz slovenskih in nemških ustanov (Socialna akademija, Ljubljana; Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn; MitOst, Berlin; Studienhaus Wiesneck, Institut für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg), s temeljno usmeritvijo v pripravo in izpeljavo pedagoških dejavnostih, znanstveno raziskovanje, pisanje strokovnih člankov in mnenj ter organizacijo seminarjev in strokovnih obiskov.

Dr. Mihelič je docent na Fakulteti za pravo in poslovne vede, udeleženec mednarodnih znanstvenih konferenc in pisec znanstvenih člankov s področja prava.

  1. Sources of family law.
  2. Basic concepts of family law.
  3. Legal regulation of marriage.
  4. Legal regulation of cohabitation.
  5. Legal regulation of the concluded partnership.
  6. Legal regulation of an unconcluded partnership.
  7. Legal regulation of relations between parents and children.
  8. Measures to protect the best interests of the child.
  9. Legal regulation of adoption.
  10. Legal regulation of foster care.
  11. Legal regulation of guardianship.
  12. Protection of children's rights in proceedings.
    • Novak, Družinsko pravo. 2., spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana 2017
    • Novak, Družinski zakonik z uvodnimi pojasnili. Uradni list RS, Ljubljana 2017
    • Sodna praksa (sporočena bo na predavanjih glede na razvoj sodne prakse).
    • Zapiski s predavanj.
    • Repas, Rijavec, Knez, Kraljić, Keresteš, Ivanc, Sladič, Ekart, Mednarodno zasebno pravo EU, Uradni list RS, Ljubljana 2018
    • Ability and encouragement to take into account ethical values, socially responsible thinking and a critical attitude towards social events in decisions, regardless of the subject and level of decision-making.
    • Deepening of knowledge in civil law, criminal law, labor law, public law and other fields of law.
    • Specialized legal knowledge in the field of obligatory subjects, which supports the professional orientation of the student.
    • Expanding the general legal horizon in the field of optional subjects, which provide a broader view, extremely important for the establishment of a quality decision-making.
    • Ability to work independently and in teams, in professional and scientific research work.
    • Ability to use different interpretive methods for interpreting legal texts.
    • Ability to do basic scientific research and find legal sources.
    • Comprehension of relevant regulations and institutes in the field of family law.
    • Acquiring the independent application of family law regulations.
    • Ability to combine knowledge from different fields (interdisciplinarity).
    • Ability to place new information and interpretations in the context of the development of the profession.
    • In-depth knowledge of the chosen topic and its application in practice.
    • Knowledge to use feedback to improve skills and performance in individual and group work.
    • Knowledge and understanding of fundamental aspects of family law.
    • Ability to evaluate, explain and argue relevant subject issues.
    • Knowledge, understanding and ability to analyze concrete examples from practice.
    • Mastering oral and written expression in the context of the topic.
    • written exam (50%) and
    • written assignment (50%).