Intellectual property law

SubjectIntellectual property law
Semester3/4 semester
Study programme:Law studies (Master)
Primary language:Slovene

Knowledge of case law in the field of intellectual property law is useful. It is desirable that students have sufficient knowledge of English to be able to understand case law and additional study literature.

The course acquaints students with the basics of intellectual property law, industrial property law (patent, additional protection certificate, model, trademark) and copyright (copyright and related rights, the concept of copyright, author, copyright and substantive restrictions of copyright). It is important to familiarize students with the individual and collective management of copyright, the transfer and licensing of intellectual property rights. Relevant components of the course are also judicial protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, as well as international protection of intellectual property rights and protection within the European Union.


Required readings:

  • M. Trampuž, B. Oman, A. Zupančič: Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah s komentarjem, Ljubljana, Gospodarski vestnik, 1997.  
  • R. Merges, P. Menell, M: Lemley: Intellectual Property in New Technological Age, Aspen Publishing, 2012. 
  • Veljavna temeljna zakonodaja in sodne odločbe s področja prava intelektualne lastnine.   
  • Izbrane odločitve sodišč. 
  • Druga literatura sporočena na predavanjih. 

Recommended readings:

  • B. Sherman, L. Bently: The Making of Modern Intellectual Property Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2008.
  • E. A. Marshall: Gill: The Law of Arbitration, Sweet &Maxwell, 2001.

Objectives and competences:

Students will developgeneral competences:

  • ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice with the ability to solve more complex cases that require the integration of different legal areas, and the preparation of more complex legal acts.

Students will develop specifical competences:

  • understanding and knowledge of intellectual property law;
  • acquired theoretical knowledge in the legal areas in the context of intellectual property;
  • knowledge of relevant case law in the field of copyright and intellectual property law.

Intended learning outcomes:
After successfully completing the obligations, the student will be able to:

  1. know and understand the fundamental aspects of intellectual property law;
  2. evaluate legal problems and issues in the field;
  3. acquire the ability to argue and interpret relevant sources of international law in the field of intellectual property;
  4. know, understand and analyze the case law of courts or arbitrations;
  5. express themselves orally and in writing on legal issues in the field of the subject;
  6. interdisciplinary integration of acquired knowledge.

Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures with active student participation, case studies, individual and group research work, distance learning with ICT and presentations.


  • The knowledge test consists of three parts: seminar work (25%), preparation of a case presentation at tutorials and participation (25%) and a written exam (50%).
  • The written exam is at the end of the semester. The condition for taking the written exam is a successfully completed seminar paper and a successful presentation of the case in tutorials.
  • For an overall positive assessment, all three parts of the knowledge test must be assessed positively.
  • written exam (50%);
  • seminar paper (25%);
  • case presentation at tutorials (25%).

Lecturer's references:

Doc. dr. Jože Ruparčič (SICRIS 54027):
  • leta 1992 je diplomiral na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani;
  • leta 2019 je z doktorskim delom »Pravilo poslovne presoje (Business Judgement Rule) in odškodninska odgovornost organov upravljanja« doktoriral na Evropski pravni fakulteti;
  • od leta 1992 do leta 1993 je bil sodni pripravnik na Višjem sodišču v Ljubljani, kjer je opravil pravosodni izpit;
  • med letoma 1993 in 1995 je bil kot strokovni sodelavec na Okrožnem sodišču v Ljubljani;
  • od leta 1995 do 1997 bil zaposlen v Sekretariatu Agencije za sanacijo bank;
  • leta 1997 je služboval v Sekretariatu Agencije za privatizacijo;
  • od leta 1998 do 2004 je bil zaposlen kot sodnik na civilnem oddelku Okrajnega sodišča v Ljubljani;
  • zatem se je zaposlil na gospodarsko-stečajnem oddelku Okrožnega sodišča v Ljubljani;
  • od leta 2019 je docent na Fakulteti za pravo in poslovne vede;
  • od leta 2020 je namestnik varuha človekovih pravic Republike Slovenije.
Jože Ruparčič, Pravičnost, etika, človekove pravice in pravo. Res novae, 5, št. 1, 2020, str. 7-70.

Jože Ruparčič, Pravilo poslovne presoje (Business Judgement Rule), poslovna etika in sprejemanje poslovnih odločitev, Ljubljana, Nova univerza, izide 2020. 

Jože Ruparčič, Etika v sodnih postopkih, Dignitas, 20, št. 1, 2018, str. 45-65.