International and European Economic Law

SubjectInternational and European Economic Law
Semester3/4 semester
Study programme:Law studies (Master)
Primary language:Slovene

General conditions for enrolment into the Master Programme.

1. General Information about International Economic Law (selected aspects).
1.1 Historical development, definition and relationship to other branches of law.
1.2 International economic arrangement.
1.3 Sources of International Economic Law.
1.4 Relationship between domestic and international law in the legal order of the Republic of Slovenia.
1.5 Subjects (entities) under international economic law.
1.6 Settlement of disputes in international trade.

2. The foundations of European Economic Law.
2.1. Phases and meaning of economic integrations, in particular the European Union.
2.2. Fundamental areas of European economic law.
2.3 EU primary and secondary law.

3. World Trade Organization (WTO) Law.
3.1 The establishment and development of the WTO.
3.2 Fundamental Principles of the WTO / GATT 1994.
3.3 The WTO Normative Framework.
3.4 WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding.

4. International Investment Law (selected aspects).
4.1 Historical development and definition.
4.2 Sources of international investment law and fundamental principles of the protection of foreign investments.
4.3. Settlement of investment disputes.
4.5 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), arbitration practice.
4.6. Relationship between EU law and international investment law


Required readings:

  • Božičko, P. in Menard, M.: Zaščita tujih naložb v Sloveniji in slovenskih naložb v tujini na podlagi meddržavnih bilateralnih investicijskih sporazumov, v: Slovenska arbitražna praksa, marec 2013, str. 4-12.
  • Jereb, A.: Prihodnost reševanja investicijskih sporov na območju Evropske unije, v: Podjetje in delo 5/2016/XXXXII, str. 797.
  • Škrk, M.: Zaščita tujih investicij in mednarodno pravo, v: Podjetje in delo 6-7/2014/XXXX, str. 1331-1344.
  • Tratnik M. in Ferčič, A.: Mednarodno gospodarsko pravo, dopolnjena in spremenjena izdaja, Pravna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru, Maribor, 2002.
  • Trstenjak V., Brkan M.,: Pravo EU: ustavno, procesno in gospodarsko pravo EU, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2012  - (določena poglavja).
  • Mednarodna konvencija o reševanju investicijskih sporov med državo in državljani drugih držav (Washingtonska konvencija), 1965, UNTS 575, 60.
  • Izbrane odločitve Sodišča EU ter mednarodnih sodišč in arbitražnih tribunalov.
  • Druga literatura sporočena na predavanjih.

Recommended readings:

  • Dozler, R. and Schreuer, C.: Principles of International Invetment Law, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.
  • Drenik, S.: Mednaroden pogodbe v pravnem redu Republike Slovenije, v: Ana Polak Petrič in drugi: Pravo mednarodnih pogodb: priročnik, strokovni prispevki in dokumenti, Zbirka mednarodno pravo, Ljubljana, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, 2013, str. 33-104.
  • Drenik, Simona: Mednarodnopravni vidiki sodnega reševanja problematike nekdanjih deviznih varčevalcev, v: Podjetje in delo, Dnevi slovenskih pravnikov 2012 11. in 12. oktobra, Portorož, GV Založba, 2012 (38), št. 6/7, str. 1249–1260.
  • Fina, S., Lentner, G. M.: The Scope of the EU's Investment Competence after Lisbon, v: 14 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 419 (2016), str. 419-440, dostopno na:Oblika C:\Users\vazo\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.gif>.
  • Lowe, W.: International Law, Clarendon Law Series, Oxford University Press, 2007, str. 188-233.
  • Peterlin, I.: Svetovna trgovinska organizacija in državna suverenost, Scientia Iustitia, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2013.
  • Svetličič, A.: Mednarodni center za reševanje investicijskih sporov (ICSID) in Republika Slovenija, v: Podjetje in delo 6-7/2014/XXXX, str. 1367-1377.

Objectives and competences:

Students will developgeneral competences:

  • Initiative and independence in decision-making;
  • Expanding the general legal horizon in the field of the optional subjects, which provide a broader view that is extremely important for the establishment of quality decision-making;
  • Development and use of legal syllogism and argumentation, general communication skills, presentation of acquired knowledge inside and outside the organization and in the international environment;
  • Ability to use different interpretive methods of interpreting legal texts;
  • Ability to work independently and in teams, in professional and scientific research work.

Students will develop specifical competences:

  • Deepening knowledge in the field of International and European Economic Law;
  • Ability to put theoretical knowledge into practice with the ability to deal with more complex cases concerning Internarnational and European Economicv Law;
  • Ability to address specific professional issues using relevant legislation, case-law, interpretative arguments and scientific methods and procedures.

Intended learning outcomes:
After successfully completing the obligations, the student will be able to:

  1. define a problem relating to International and European Economic Law and finding correct solutions;
  2. Independently and correctly applaying the theory and principles of International and European Economic Law law, including of case-law of various European and international courts and tribunals;
  3. Prepare professional materials for decision makers.

Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures will be conducted through active participation of students on the basis of the Socratic method, case studies, individual and group research work, distance lectures (IKT), presentations, preparation of a seminar paper, debates, guest lectures.


  • a written examination (50%),
  • preparation of a seminar paper (25%)
  • participation and presentation of the case during the seminar (25%)

The condition for the admission to the written examination is a successful presentation of the case and positive grade for a seminar paper.

Reference nosilca:
Dr. Simona Drenik Bavdek graduated in 2000 from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana, in 2002 she received her master's degree (LL.M) in International law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands, and in 2016 her doctorate degree in international law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana. In 2002, she also attended the Hague Academy of International Law.

She worked in Slovenian diplomacy for 15 years, since 2008 as a Minister Plenipotentiary. She was Head of the International Law Department for four years, Head of the Project Unit for a Pleading before the Arbitration Tribunal and Slovenia's Agent before the Arbitration Tribunal for four years. As a head or a member of diplomatic delegations, she participated in many international or intergovernmental conferences as well as at several negotiations regarding bilateral treaties. She was also a member of a bilateral commission for Nuclear Power Pant Krško, as a member of a supervisory board of the Succession Fund of the Republic of Slovenia.

From 2015 to 2019, she was a Secretary at the Ministry of Justice in the Directorate for Penal Law and Human Rights, and also a member of the Project Group for the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

Since 2020, she is Counsellor to the Ombudsman, working as the Assistant Head of the Centre for Human Rights at the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia.

In her work and research, she draws from the connection between theory and practice. She is the author of over 50 scientific or professional works. She is a member of the Rule of Law and International Investment Law Committee of the International Law Association (ILA) and of the Legal Working Group of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI).


  • Drenik, S.: Mednaroden pogodbe v pravnem redu Republike Slovenije, v: Ana Polak Petrič in drugi: Pravo mednarodnih pogodb: priročnik, strokovni prispevki in dokumenti, Zbirka mednarodno pravo, Ljubljana, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, 2013, str. 33-104.
  • Drenik, Simona: Mednarodnopravni vidiki sodnega reševanja problematike nekdanjih deviznih varčevalcev, v: Podjetje in delo, Dnevi slovenskih pravnikov 2012 11. in 12. oktobra, Portorož, GV Založba, 2012 (38), št. 6/7, str. 1249–1260.
COBISS (presonal bibliographies):