Property Law

SubjectProperty Law
Semester3/4 semester
Study programme:Law studies (Master)
Primary language:Slovene


Content : The concept of property law, property law relationship, distinction between property law and contract law. Sources of property law: Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, sources of property law stricto sensu, sources of property law lato sensu. Basic principles and basic concepts of property law: the principle of a limited range of rights, the principle of absoluteness, the principle of trust, the principle of connection of land and building, the principle of specialty, the concept of a thing, the concept of component, the concept of attachment, the concept of land registry permit. Possession: the concept of possession, legal consequences of possession, acquisition and loss of possession, protection of possession. Real estate records: introduction to land registry law and basic concepts of cadastral law. Property right: definition of property right, acquisition and loss of property right, private and public law restrictions on property right, property right of several persons, protection of property right. Neighborhood law: basic legal institutes for regulating legal relations between neighbors as owners of spatially connected real estate. Derived real rights: easements, lien, land debt, encumbrance, building right.


Required readings:

  • Juhart, Miha et al. 2007. Stvarno pravo. Ljubljana: GV.
  • Juhart, Miha et al. 2018. Stvarnopravni zakonik s komentarjem. Ljubljana: Uradni list RS.
  • Legal practice (given during the lectures).

Recommended readings:

  • Frantar: Stvarno pravo, Gospodarski vestnik 1993;
  • Plavšak, Frantar, Juhart: Zakon o zemljiški knjigi s komentarjem, Gospodarski vestnik 1988;
  • Juhart: Etažna lastnina, Gospodarski vestnik (2000).

Objectives and competences:

Students will acquire general competencies:

  • Deepening of knowledge in civil law, criminal law, labor law, public law and other legal fields.
  • Specialized legal knowledge in the field of obligatory subjects, which supports the professional orientation of the student.
  • Ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice with the ability to solve more complex cases that require the integration of different legal areas, and the formation of more complex legal acts.
  • Ability to work independently and in groups in professional and scientific research work.
  • Ability to do basic scientific research and find legal sources.

Students will develop subject-specific competencies:

  • Ability to combine knowledge from different fields (interdisciplinarity);
  • Ability to place new information and interpretations in the context of the development of the profession;
  • In-depth knowledge of the chosen topic and its application in practice;
  • Ability or knowledge to introduce changes in the organization;
  • Knowledge of the use of analysis, synthesis and prediction of solutions and the consequences of phenomena in intercultural communication and international business.

Intended learning outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • define, explain and apply the principles of slovenian property law to solve more complex problems and theoretical issues;
  • analyze and evaluate information from a variety of sources to answer complex legal issues;
  • apply property law to concrete cases and critically examine its operation from ethical, theoretical and social aspects;
  • formulate convincing arguments for the legal audience;
  • analyze cultural, theoretical and social factors influencing property law.

Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures, seminars, exercises, individual work with students, case studies, evaluation of court decisions.


  • written exam
  • written assignment

The condition for taking the written exam is a positively assessed written assignment.

Lecturer's references:
Študijska pot je potekala preko Filozofske fakultete in Evropske pravne fakultete v Ljubljani ter študijem na Japonskem na Fakulteti za pravo in književnost (Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University).

Delovne izkušnje so iz slovenskih in nemških ustanov (Socialna akademija, Ljubljana; Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn; MitOst, Berlin; Studienhaus Wiesneck, Institut für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg), s temeljno usmeritvijo v pripravo in izpeljavo pedagoških dejavnostih, znanstveno raziskovanje, pisanje strokovnih člankov in mnenj ter organizacijo seminarjev in strokovnih obiskov.

Dr. Mihelič je docent na Fakulteti za pravo in poslovne vede, udeleženec mednarodnih znanstvenih konferenc in pisec znanstvenih člankov s področja prava.