State Ecclesiastical Law

SubjectState Ecclesiastical Law
Semester3/4 semester
Study programme:Law studies (Master)
Primary language:Slovene

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Content :

  1. General information on state ecclesiastical law
    1.1. Historical development of relations between the state and the Church
    1.2. Institutionalization of State ecclesiastical law in Europe and the world

  2. Forms of relations between the state and the Church
    2.1. The system of state religion
    2.2. Strict separation system
    2.3. System of cooperation or communication
    2.4. Mixed systems

  3. Sources of state ecclesiastical law in Slovenia
    3.1. Sources in the exclusive authorship of the state
    3.1.1. Constitution
    3.1.2. Laws and other legal acts
    3.1.3. Judicial practice
    3.2. Sources in the exclusive authorship of the Catholic Church
    3.3. Bilateral resources: bilateral agreements

  4. Holy See and Catholic Church
    4.1. Legal subjectivity of the Holy See
    4.2. Legal subjectivity of the Catholic Church
    4.3. Vatican City State
    4.4. Holy See in international organizations

  5. Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Holy See on legal issues
    5.1. Origin
    5.2. Legal nature
    5.3. Content
    5.4. Judicial practice

  6. Individual areas of state ecclesiastical law
    6.1. Religious freedom
    6.2. Religious instruction
    6.3. Spiritual care
    6.4. Cultural Heritage
    6.5. Financing
    6.6. Family and marriage
    6.7. Media
    6.8. Freedom of expression

  7. Religion and the EU
    7.1. The role of the Catholic Church in European society
    7.2. European Court of Human Rights
    7.3. Council of Europe
    7.4. OSCE
    7.5. UN Human Rights Council in Geneva
  8. Readings:

    Required readings:

    • Šturm, Lovro, Drenik, Simona in Prepeluh, Urška. 2004. Sveto in svetno – pravni vidiki verske svobode. Celje: Mohorjeva družba, 219 str.
    • Naglič, Andrej. 2014. Svoboda izražanja vere. Bogoslovni vestnik 74, št. 4: 681–688.
    • Naglič, Andrej. 2017. Svoboda cerkva v Sloveniji. Res novae, letn. 2, št. 2, str. 7-32.
    • BOOTH, Philip Mark, GREGG, Samuel, KENNEDY, Robert G., PERCY, Anthony, SIRICO, Robert A., WOODS, Thomas E., YUENGERT, Andrew, CELESTINA, Gregor, GLOBOKAR, Roman, NAGLIČ, Andrej, ŠTUHEC, Ivan. 2014. Družbeni nauk Cerkve in tržno gospodarstvo. Celje: Celjska Mohorjeva družba: Društvo Mohorjeva družba; Ljubljana: Inštitut Karantanija, 2014. XIV, 457 str.
    • Stres, Anton. 2004. Svoboda veroizpovedi kot temeljna človekova pravica v slovenski tranziciji. Bogoslovni vestnik 64, št. 1: 15–20.
    • Walter, Christian. 2012. The Protection of Freedom of Religion Within zhe Institutional System of the United Nations. V: Universal Rights in a World of Diversity. The Case of Religious Freedom, 588–603. Ur. Mary Ann Glendon, Hans F. Zacher. Vatikansko mesto: Pontificial Academy of Social Sciences.
    • Buonomo, Vincenzo. 2015. Proliferazione e soggettivismo nei diritti umani negli ultimi decenni. V: Diritti umani, speranza e delusioni, 39–62. Ur. Jose T. Martin de Agar. Rim: EDUSC.
    • Slatinek, Stanislav. 2011. Religious Freedom and Dialogue. V: Janez Juhant in Bojan Žalec (ur.). Humanity after Selfish Prometheus. Chances of Dialogue and Ethics in a Technicized World, 245–253. Zürich-Berlin: Lit.
    • Robbers, Gerhard. 2005. State and Church in the European Union. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2018. Ob 70. obletnici razglasitve Splošne deklaracije OZN o človekovih pravicah: vera v javnosti kot temeljna človekova pravica. Res novae, 1 (3): 76–96.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2019. Dojemanje pravice do svobode veroizpovedi v sodobni evropski družbi in državno religijsko pravo v Sloveniji. Edinost in dialog, letn. 74, št. 1, str. 253-267.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. 2019. Ustavnopravna povezanost med državo in cerkvijo v Sloveniji. Pravnik, letn. 74, št. 1/2, str. 99-128.
    • Valentan, Sebastijan. Freedom of religion in international law. The canonist. 2019, vol. 10, no. 1, str. 25-36.
    • Avbelj, Matej (ur). 2019. Komentar Ustave Republike Slovenije, Nova Gorica: Nova univerza, Evropska pravna fakulteta, 2019.
    • Šturm, Lovro. 2000. Cerkev in država: pravna ureditev razmerja med državo in cerkvijo. Nova revija, Ljubljana, 360 str.
    • Šelih, Alenka, Janko Pleterski (ur). 2002. Država in Cerkev: izbrani zgodovinski in pravni vidiki. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 649 str.
    • Ferrari, Silvio; Cole Durham, W. 2003. Law and Religion in Post-Communist Europe. Peeters, Leuven-Pariz-Dudley.
    • Zielinski, Grzegorz. 2017. The Right to Freedom of Belief: A Conceptual Framework. Lateran University Press, Vatikansko mesto, 407 str.

    Recommended readings:

    • Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz: On the nature of the International Personality of the Holy See, v: Revue belge de droit international, 29 (1996) 2, str. 355–369.
    • Alfredo Garcia Garate: Derecho y religion en un estado democratico. Dykinson, S. L., Madrid 2016.
    • Drago Čepar in Blaž Ivanc (ur.): Legal aspects of religious freedom: international conference, September 15 and 18, 2008. Les aspects juridiques de la liberté confessionnelle: conférence international, 15.–18. september 2008. Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za verske skupnosti, Ljubljana 2008.
    • Jose Tomas Martin de Agar: I Concordati dal 2000 al 2009. Libreria editrice Vaticana, Vatikansko mesto 2010.
    • Damian Nemec: Concordat Agreements between the Holy See and the Post-Communist Coutries (1990-2010). Peeters, Leuven-Paris-Walpole 2012.
    • Janez Pogorelec: Država in cerkev: oris ureditve v svetu in pogled na razmere pri nas, v: Pravna praksa, 14 (1995) 6, str. 14–20.
    • Aleš Weingerl: Mednarodnopravna osebnost Svetega sedeža: elementi in izhodišča za njeno presojo, v: Bogoslovni vestnik, 63 (2003) 4, str. 693–709.

    Objectives and competences:

    Students will acquire general competencies:

    • Ability and encouragement to take into account ethical values, socially responsible thinking and a critical attitude towards social events in decisions, regardless of the subject and level of decision-making
    • Expanding the general legal horizon in the field of elective subjects, which provide a broader view, which is extremely important for establishing quality decision-making
    • Ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice with the ability to solve more complex cases that require the integration of different legal areas, and the preparation of more complex legal acts

    Intended learning outcomes:

    After successfully completing the obligations, the student will be able to:

    • on the basis of acquired knowledge in the field of state church law, it is easier to understand the matter in EU countries and at home
    • evaluate the legal dilemmas of the considered area
    • oral and written expression on legal issues in the field of the subject

    Learning and teaching methods:
    - lectures with prior preparation of students for lectures and tutorials;
    - exercises (study of case law and legislation);
    - preparation of a seminar paper;


    • verbal exam
    • exercises
    • seminar work

    The condition for taking the written exam is a positively assessed written assignment.

    Lecturer's references:
    Doc. dr. Andrej Naglič je doktor znanosti in izvoljen v naziv visokošolskega učitelja za področje ustavnega in mednarodnega ter poslovnega pravo, pravnik s 14-letnimi delovnimi izkušnjami in duhovnik Nadškofije Ljubljana.

    Diplomiral je na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer je pridobil tudi magisterij znanosti s področja mednarodnega prava. Doktorat znanosti je zaključil na Teološki fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, in sicer z disertacijo s področja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin. Akademsko sodeluje s think-tancom Acton Institute iz Grand Rapidsa v ZDA.

    Njegove delovne izkušnje obsegajo prakso v pravni službi glavnega sedeža Organizacije Združenih narodov v New Yorku, prakso v oddelku za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, vodenje pravne in kadrovske službe v podjetju Lipbled na Bledu, sodelovanje z Ministrstvom za pravosodje Republike Slovenije, zaposlitev v kabinetu Zavarovalnice Triglav v Ljubljani, članstvo v upravnem odboru zavarovalnic Triglav Kopaonik in Triglav Penzijski fondovi v Beogradu, pravno svetovanje Slovenski škofovski konferenci in vodenje Inštituta Karantanija v Ljubljani. Pastoralne izkušnje je pridobival v župnijah Šentvid nad Ljubljano in Kranj.

    Poleti 2015 je bil imenovan za direktorja Katoliškega inštituta in predsednika upravnega odbora Fakultete za pravo in poslovne vede v Ljubljani.